Is Hanson Remodeling insured and bonded?

Absolutely!  And so are everyone of our trade partners(plumbers, electricians, drywallers, painters, HVAC, etc).  Hanson Remodeling also complies with state and federal laws, by maintaining a valid general contracting license(#BC633225), exceeding by more than 6 times the state required minimum for an aggregate insurance policy, and by being a Lead Safe Certified Firm (# NAT-93241-1) with the EPA.  Minnesota has a different system than bonding.  By being a licensed contractor in the state of Minnesota we also contribute to the “Contractor’s Recovery Fund” which replaced the old system of bonding.

Do you design my projects or do you work with architects and designers?

We do both.  We design and build the majority of our projects through our unique design-build process.  It is perfectly suited for most remodeling projects.  We also enjoy working with architects and interior designers. We know that with our help, your project will bring value and style to your home for many years to come.  Look at our projects…we have good taste!

Do you do Green Remodeling?

Yes!  Everyone of our projects incorporates some aspect of green building.  We are a Minnesota Greenstar Member! We believe that green building is not only a way to improve the health of your home and to do right by the environment, it can also make financial sense for your bottom line.

How do you charge for your work?

We provide you with a detailed scope of work prior to starting your project.  This scope will have a total price which is our quote for the project.  We want to remove all gray areas by thorough upfront planning because we build our project outlines just like your actual project: step by step.

Do you work during the winter?

For sure!  Almost all remodeling projects can be completed year round.  Foundation work for additions can be planned for prior to deep frost and begin throughout the winter.  We protect project spaces as needed with proper insulation and heaters and keep adding value to your home as the snow whitens our beautiful state.  Many projects, such as basement, kitchen, bath and other areas of the home can be completed without much interruption from the winter months.  With proper planning, such as dumpster placement and material storage projects can proceed at a normal pace.

Is design-build remodeling right for me?

Possibly! Like tools in a toolbox, there are a whole spectrum of different approaches that homeowners can use to add functionality and value to their home. As a mid-high end remodeler, we are one tool in that box. Our projects generally involve thoughtful, thorough, and sometimes quite extensive transformations of existing homes, executed with a full-service approach and ample prior planning. We are generally a good fit for people who value spending a little more for the convenience and peace of mind that our one-stop, full-service approach brings them. 

What should I consider before beginning a remodeling project?

Some common questions to ask yourself are: are we committed to this house, at least for the next 5+ years? Are we willing and able to set aside the time and attention necessary to play our role in the remodeling process? Have we been thinking about this for a while, done our homework, and are we feeling financially ready and eager to embark on this process? Are all household decision-makers on the same page about this project?

Do I need an architect to remodel my home?

Not necessarily. We pursue outside design projects on a limited and case-by-case basis, preferring instead to lead clients through our design-build process. Our designers can measure, do space planning, draw building elevations, and draft full plan sets. They also work with you to craft the aesthetic of the space, assisting in fixture and finish selections, bringing samples to your home, or accompanying you to showrooms. 

Do I need to go through a design process? Why can’t I just hire a general contractor?

Especially in dealing with older homes, the complexities and general expense of what we encounter necessitate good design and proper prior planning. We’ve found that trying to skip design on the front end means slowdowns, confusion, delays, cost overruns, and short tempers as we try to figure things out under the normal duress of construction. 

How much should I budget for a home remodeling project? 

This depends on the size of the project. The old rule of getting an estimate from a contractor and then doubling it does not apply here. All the pricing we quote you will include the e design and planning work, and we try to be as realistic and accurate as possible with our pricing from ballpark estimate to contract. Click here for some broad ballpark pricing.

Does Hanson Remodeling offer financing?

Hanson Remodeling is not a lender, however we do have good relationships with several. Feel free to contact these financial professionals to start a conversation about what might be possible for you. 

Is the design-build process more expensive?

Than what?! In surveying the remodeling landscape, you’ll encounter a wide spectrum of pricing. Hanson Remodeling is a mid to high-end remodeler. There are certainly cheaper ways to accomplish your project, like being your own general contractor, however they might require much more of your time and administration throughout the process. Also, pay attention to which companies present you with a contract made up of mostly allowances and budgets vs. those who want to figure things out up front before any significant funds have changed hands and work has begun. 

How much does an estimate from Hanson Remodeling cost?

Nothing. Preliminary estimates are free of charge, however they do take several hours to produce. We can certainly give you thoughtful approximate estimates if you’re not sure you’re ready to move to a detailed preliminary estimate. 

Does Hanson Remodeling serve a particular geographic area?

Yes, 80-90% of our work is in Minneapolis and Saint Paul, working on existing homes, specializing in those built pre-1960.

Is Hanson Remodeling licensed and insured? Do you pull permits?

Yes, we are licensed and insured, as are all our subcontractors. All our field staff are either trained or officially certified in lead-safe renovation practices, and several carry professional certifications in renovation and project management. We comply with all municipal permitting requirements and require our subcontractors to do the same.

How long does a remodeling project take to build?

This depends on the size and unique characteristics of each project. Some helpful ballparks: 12 weeks for a bathroom, 16 weeks for a kitchen, and 5 + months for basements, attics, additions, whole home renovations. The design process is dependent on project scale, client availability, decision-making pace, and generally stretches to fit the time between signing a design agreement and when we have availability to put the next project into pre-construction. From the time you pick up the phone and call us, to the time we clean up and drive away could be a full year or longer.

Is certain work seasonally dependent?

With allowances made for bouts of extreme weather, we work year-round and can complete almost all components of a remodeling project in any season. Stucco and paint must wait for reliable above-freezing temperatures.

What parts of the project are my responsibility and what parts are handled by Hanson Remodeling?

Hanson Remodeling is a full-service company. We handle the design, planning, documentation, permitting and inspections, project management, all aspects of construction, material ordering and installation, and subcontractor management. As a client, we need your input and answers, your time, house, and funds. We take care of the rest.   

How do I prepare my home for a major remodel?

Whichever spaces we are renovating need to be emptied of all furniture and possessions, and adjacent areas should be cleared of valuable and breakable items. We will need a spot for a dumpster, space to store materials and tools, a clear path in and out of the building, and access to the electrical panel and water shutoff. You will also need to provide us with a house key or security code. We understand that being entrusted with the security of your home is a big responsibility. 

Do I need to move out during the construction process?

How much do you like camping? Seriously, though, this is a question of personal comfort. As residential remodelers, we know that most homes we work in will be occupied, and in most instances we expect that you will stay on while we complete our work. Once we arrive at your house and get to work, you will know that we are there. There’s no way around it. But we will work conscientiously, installing floor and dust protection, running HEPA filtration, setting expectations around normal work hours, and communicating in advance about particularly noisy or difficult parts of the process. We can help you set up a temporary kitchen, re-set a toilet at the end of the day, keep your laundry machines operational for most of the project, or keep your internet going if you work from home.

Can I supply my own materials or bring my own subcontractors into the project?

In general, no. Our ultimate goal is to provide you good service. We can’t warranty the installation or continued good operation of items purchased by clients, nor have we had much success managing subcontractors with whom we have had no prior relationship, or who we are not paying directly to complete the work. To best serve you, we need to control all parts of our process.

Can I complete some of the work myself?

You can do anything you want, as long as it’s not in the middle. Usually, this means that homeowners might save money by taking on some or all the demolition, or by painting at the end. It could also mean that Hanson provides design and planning services, and then takes the project to an agreed-upon point of completion, where the homeowner pulls a concurrent permit and takes over with the work from there.

Who will be working at my house? Will the site be secure?

Remodeling takes an army! Fortunately, we have a large in-house team of talented remodelers who will handle most of the work in-house, with our trusted team of subcontractors pitching in for tasks that require a particular specialty or specific license. Most of our employees have been with the company for 5 years or more, and we have worked with some of our subcontractors for the better part of 15.   

How will you communicate with me?

You will have a Hanson Remodeling employee with you every step of the way. In the beginning stages, it will be one of our project developers, then your designer, and finally your lead carpenter or project manager who will manage the construction of the project.

Is your work warrantied?

Yes. Our warranty follows MN Statute 327a. Officially, this means 1 year on everything, 2 years on mechanical systems, 10 years on structure. We are your neighbors and stand behind our work. 

Is remodeling similar to what I see on HGTV?

No! TV remodeling is entertainment, and the timelines and prices are usually made up! Home remodeling is a satisfying challenge that can lead to a beautiful and long-lasting improvement to your home. This work can be deeply rewarding for all involved, but it is not accomplished overnight or on a whim.